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A case in point - Helping a Law firm hire their first Marketing Manager


One of our candidates who we placed during her career, and supported in their job search, was kind enough to recommended us to a Law firm, based in the Midlands and looking for support to hire their very first marketing person. It’s always lovely to be recommended so thank you to this candidate!

On meeting with the COO of the Law firm they shared the fact they had recently rebranded and, whilst they did some marketing, it was time to take it to the next level.

They wanted someone to join the team to help elevate their brand and support with organic growth. They wanted us to exhaust the market through a multi-channel campaign and search, as quickly and efficiently as possible, to find the very best candidates in the market. Our Partner service package was the perfect solution to do just that.


As always at Beyond The Book we start the process with a discovery meeting, to really get to know our client’s business, goals, culture, vision, structure and specifically what they are looking for in the role – in this case their first Marketing Manager.

Armed with this information, we can advise and refine the need, to ensure we go to market with a true, compelling and realistic proposition. Once we have started to attract candidates, we use this information to cast very discerning eyes and ears on each individual, to select only those that are aligned with the business goals, culture and needs.

Skills and experience are just part of the picture! Culture fit and retention is just as important. If you are investing in someone you want to know you’ll get the anticipated value for the long term. And the multiple costs of a bad hire are huge!

Next, we defined the strategy

On discussing the need and budget, we agreed that the best approach would be to bring in a Marketing Manager on a part-time basis who could establish the marketing strategy and implement it. We established that the most important criteria in defining the best-fit candidate was:

  • - Someone strategic but also loves being hands on and delivering, without support from a wider marketing team.
  • - Good experience in brand management, as well as marketing.
  • - Able to grow a brand organically through brand campaigns and content rather than technical or paid advertising.
  • - Someone who would be genuinely excited by the opportunity to, as sole marketer, help shape the function from scratch and go on a new journey.
  • - Someone who would be happy working part-time.

In defining the optimum recruitment channel strategy, we agreed that we would use all of our tech tools and platforms to launch a multi-channel campaign, which would quickly exhaust the market for active and passive candidates. One part of this is exploring our pre-registered candidates and our network (which is vast!). I would then closely manage the process until offer accepted by the perfect candidate.


After writing the job copy, to ensure best-practice and optimum engagement, and pulling the list of benefits together, the campaign launched.

As we work proactively to attract and qualify candidates, on a daily basis, to deliver as best and as quickly as we can for our clients, our database of pre-qualified candidates often bears great fruit! It certainly did on this occasion. I was able to send some brilliant candidates, ready and qualified, straight away. In total, a shortlist of 8 candidates was presented to the client which came from the various activities we had undertaken.

Each candidate had been thoroughly and objectively qualified, met face to face and closely managed through the process to ensure maximum engagement and transparency for the client of any deviations from the initial brief.

We set up the interviews, shared the tasks and ultimately negotiated the offer. All our client had to do was block out some time to conduct the interviews and go through the difficult task of choosing which of the several candidates they loved, to offer. What a great position to be in!

Client relationship

It was amazing to build a new relationship with this client and prove how working in partnership with us as their sole agency delivers so well for everyone.

I can’t wait to see this first Marketing Manager make a return on our client’s investment and help to achieve their growth plans, and for the role to be the rewarding journey that my candidate was looking for in the long term.

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