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The Big ‘V’

The Big ‘V’

over 3 years ago by Anna Smith
Riccardo Annandale 7e2pe9wj L9 M Unsplash

We’re not talking about the eagerly awaited ‘steep V’ back to normal. We’re talking about the VALUE we can bring when running a recruitment campaign on your behalf or supporting you with your own direct activity. 

The biggest value you will get from a quality, niche recruitment consultancy (aside from their ability to reach the best in the market) is impartiality. And without it, you risk significant cost in time and spend, as well as potential lost revenue and growth, if you make a wrong hiring decision. 

Here’s the conversation we always start with when we have engaged a candidate for any role: 

“You’ve shown an interest in (……) role. What we’d like to do is put that to one side for a minute and talk about you, and what you’re looking for. We’ll revisit the role afterwards, to see if it aligns with what you want”.

If the role isn’t right, we can look out for new opportunities for them and this is why candidates are happy to be open and transparent with us. 

We have zero interest in putting candidates forward for a role to play some outdated, dysfunctional, volume game. 

An honest and genuine match between what our clients want (and who they are) and what a candidate wants (and best suits them) is the overriding factor that can make the difference between a right and a wrong hire.

The cost of a wrong hire is large, and felt significantly in:

  • wasted time and spend

  • cultural disruption

  • more time and spend on a new search

  • reduction in forecast growth and associated revenues 

But here’s the good news. Working with Beyond The Book, we can add this impartiality to your search whether you recruit yourselves or through us.  

We can provide the add-ons of filtering, or filtering and qualifying to your own direct campaign OR we can undertake a full search and selection project on your behalf. Your spend will only go as far as the services you need and want. EITHER WAY, you are only introduced to people that are genuinely interested in your opportunity.  

And that is a rather large piece of value that you’ll get from working with us.  

*Regarding filtering your direct candidates, we ensure they are qualified exclusively for your role, and are not submitted to any other opportunities through us during the course of the campaign



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